Comprehensive Christianity
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"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”

Habakkuk 2:14



To faithfully build the Kingdom of Christ on earth in obedience to His word in the Bible. The Bible is authoritative on all about which it speaks and it speaks about everything. Widely disseminating clear teaching of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is being obedient to Jesus Christ and key to building His Kingdom on earth.


Our immediate goals are two-fold:

  1. Publish in ebook format, books by Joe Morecraft, that have formerly only been available as typewritten, largely unedited sermon “notes” created at the time the sermons were delivered to facilitate the further study of the subject matter.

    • For instance the “notes” for the exegetical preaching series on Genesis came to 657 typewritten 8.5” x 11” pages.

  2. Scan a variety of notes and written materials generated by Pastor Joe Morecraft over the past 40+ years for safe archiving and eventually indexed, searchable, online access. This content is contained in approximately 50 bankers boxes.

There are certainly a variety of additional goals that are on the planning list as nascent opportunities develop and funding allows. Stay tuned…

  • One opportunity we’ve been able to accomplish in the first 9 months of launching is making available all published ebooks also as paper books. More on that here.

Who Is Involved in This Effort?

Me, Tim Renshaw

The publishing effort and this site are being done by Tim Renshaw. His company is Tim Renshaw Consulting.


This is an ongoing, long-term effort supported through sales of published books directly or by Subscription or Donation purchases. I’m also relying on you to promote this effort via your social networks, email, phone calls, whatever you can do to further the goal of getting biblical content into as many hands as possible!

Who? Mission & Goals? Why? How?

The answers to these 4 questions are presented in these 4 short videos. Click to play and they will play in order or you can click each question above for the video answering just that question.

Other questions answered on the FAQ page.

Introduction to Our First Publication:

Genesis: Christ, Creation & Covenant by Joe Morecraft

Dr. Morecraft’s commentary on Genesis is a testimony of God’s grace powerfully displayed in his writing, teaching and preaching gifts. The value for a reader is in his biblical insight and research. You don’t have to read from multiple books and commentaries to be blessed in your understanding of Genesis. Dr. Morecraft has already done that for you.

Ina Manly Painter, BS & MS degrees in Psychology/Counseling, University of Tennessee. Author of “Finding Hope in God’s Everlasting, Intimate Friendship” and “Finding Treasures for the Soul”.


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